Monday 18 May 2015

Nature's Way Whole Foods Vitamin C Review.

I don't know about you, but when the weather changes my body tends to notice. Normally at this time of year when the weather is going from hot to cold I experience the dreaded cold symptoms, you know the ones? sneezing, coughing, runny nose, blocked nose-all in one day! 
So this year I decided to keep on top of it with just a few minor changes, and I haven't had any nasty symptoms of anything all year! This past month the weather has been changing a lot and I'll admit I felt a bit nervous... But still none! Exciting to say the least.
One of the minor changes I've made this past month is by taking the Nature's Way Whole Foods Vitamin C Tablets.* 
Vitamin C as you probably know helps fight infections and strengthens the immune system (and loads more of course!)
These beauties however are far superior over your normal synthetic Vitamin C tablets for so many reasons. For starters, these chewable tablets are made using whole foods (raw, unprocessed foods from nature.) This means that you are consuming Vitamin C in its most pure state and therefore consuming the full nutritional benefits! It is also far more easy for our body to digest and absorb as our bodies are designed to absorb things in their most natural state-makes sense hey?! 
So what exactly are in these little whole food beauties? Well, you may not have heard of these so I decided to list their Vitamin C benefits below too! 
Nature's Way have used three powerful ingredients in these tablets, these are: 

Acerola Cherry:
These little bright red cherries are native to the tropics of Southern America and Southern Mexico. Compared to an orange which delivers around 100 milligrams of Vitamin C when consumed, Acerola Cherries deliver around 1,600 milligrams of Vitamin C! 

Camu Camu Berry:
These are found in Amazon rainforests and are about the size of a lemon, except they can range from an orange colour to a purple colour. These are jam packed full of goodness, with one serving giving you around 30 times more Vitamin C than an orange! These are known to be one of the most abundant sources of Vitamin C on the planet!

Amla Berries:
Also known as the "Indian Gooseberry", these cute greenish/yellow berries contain around 20 times more Vitamin C than oranges and are becoming extremely popular.

I have loved taking these and really love knowing I'm taking pure Vitamin C instead of the synthetic alternative. They don't taste like your normal synthetic Vitamin C tablets as they have more of a subtle natural berry taste, but after taking these just for a few days I have started loving this taste even more! 

These are so perfect for general health as well as the change of seasons and I've been recommending them to all my friends and family. 

Main Ingredients: Acerola Cherry, Camu Camu Berry, Amla Berry.

Best Used: Taking 1 tablet daily. 

Suitable For: Anyone and everyone, except children under 15 and pregnant women. 

Pros: A delicious way to consume more Vitamin C in its most natural, unprocessed state. Gluten free, Vegan, Non GMO. 

Cons: None. 

Price/Purchase From: Around $17.00 for 60 Tabs- You can find these in your local supermarket or online at


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